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Monday, April 18, 2011

My Thoughts on a Old Topic

My Thoughts on a Old Topic

I have often called myself ‘Hippie’ ( Hippies evolved from the beatnik age and really means a hipster or being hip to the scene, which may not refer to anymore then their generational music, so in a sense there are a lot more hippies then we may think) and a ‘Diaper-Lover’ without thinking much about what these the labels really mean. Labels are really a form of description so you or others can instantly identify with a particular object. It doesn’t matter whether it is living or dead object, it is simply a reference point. It is non-judgmental; it is we the people who make it that way. A lot of labels have been perverted in their use, such as ‘Gay’ or ‘Queer’, denoting two different ways of referring to the same class of people.  But within this broad class are many subgroups each with their own name; they embrace their own name for different reasons; each group is compelled to shout their way is the right way.  Whether they created their titles for good or it was created by another for evil doesn’t matter. What is really important is how it relates to the group as a whole and that it lets them readily distinguish themselves form their peers.

Our own ABDL group is really two different groups; Adult-Babies and Diaper-Lovers. An AB is often considered a DL, yet a DL is seldom seen as an AB. The problem is how the terms are defined. Let’s think about what each one seems to mean for a moment.

Adult Baby says; an adult who acts like a baby. To act like a baby is to wear diapers, wear baby clothes, use a baby bottle and/or pacifier, sleep in a baby crib and otherwise conduct themselves as a baby would. A baby needs someone to care for it because it cannot do many things on its own. A baby needs to be protected, nurtured, disciplined, punished, and guided until it is capable of independent actions. A baby has stages of growth from infant to toddler.

Babies develop at individually at different speeds with part of their primary development including sexual discovery. We no more incapable of understanding how it relates to them; then they are to explain to us what they feel. Their primal sexual responses can be only described fundamental animal ones. Although they may touch their genitals throughout their babyhood during diaper changes and at other times; they are not capable of sexual release so they are regarded as non-sexual to us. Since babies are not sexual many AB’s are non-sexual, that is to say that when they are in their AB state they feel no sexual arousals they are sometimes referred to as Pure AB’s. Most other AB’s are on a different plane and include sex as part of their genre.

Diaper Lover says; to love diapers. Loving diapers includes wearing diapers, seeing someone wearing diapers, seeing diapers in a store, etc… And diapers can not only be a source of comfort but also one of sexual desire. DL’s use diapers also for their intended purpose, although some use them this way only occasionally. Some just like to wear diapers without doing their business in them. A lot of DL’s also like to role-play as AB’s but do not consider themselves as AB’s. This seems to blur the line between the two groups.

This broad ABDL class contains many subgroups; that include Furies, Transsexuals, Transvestites, Gay, Bisexual, Straight and BDSM members who are also either AB’s or DL’s or who use diapers at times in their scenarios.  It has many ways of describing what we are such as infantilism or perversion but in medical terms infantilism is a perversion.   It doesn’t matter much other then how one perceives them selves and how they want to be viewed by their Vanilla peers. I realize this is an old argument and I may be whipping an ole dog here but I said my piece, what are your thoughts on it?

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