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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Professions Who don’t Want Change

Why would they want to lose their jobs by solving problems; this list is not all inclusive.  In my experiences it has been the lower echelon employees who do the real work and effect the most change and reform, especially in the justice and medical fields. The upper tier is more interested in that steady high payday.

Bug and rodent exterminators are in high demand, who wants to have to have some of those nasty little critters infesting their abode. The worst and hardest to get rid of is cockroaches and bedbugs. Have you heard about the nationwide bedbug re-infestation, if not just type their name in a search engine and be surprised. Even government buildings, like firehouse and schools are overrun with these nasty buggers. So what do exterminating companies want to do their jobs, monthly contracts to keep the bad things away? Why of course, if not they will come back as soon as we leave.

Next on my list is the criminal justice system, what would happen to the judges, lawyers, police, prison system, etc…, if they rehabilitated all or even most of their clients. What is interesting is how at certain times thousands of people have gathered for events with relatively no violence or crimes, like Woodstock. And even some natural disasters like the one currently in Japan. I realize that there is probably always going to be people like Bundy and Gacy who want to satisfy their needs at another’s expense. But there are far too many laws that make someone a criminal for little or no reason, not to mention housing small time offenders in with the hardcore ones, which keeps perpetuating their growth in bad deeds. You have to become hard very fast to survivor or you become a victim yourself. They deserve it you say, maybe but how are you going to have a chance to reform someone in that jungle environment. So what is the answer we always hear, more police, prisons, parole officers, etc.., is that the only answer we have?

Ah, now the worst offenders in my mind the Mental Health Industry, which is barely out of the barbaric middle ages. Until the late 60’s prescribed treatments were Shock Treatments, Lobotomies, straight jackets, Thorazine, and Haladol as well as a host of nasty medicines. Huge Federal and State Hospitals were mere warehouses of the infirmed, crammed together with few staff that was frequently abusive and just plain cruel. Granted there have been major changes since then such as patient rights and smaller care units that make it not such a nightmare but what does the major treatment plan entail. Drug therapy perpetuated by multibillionaire Pharmaceutical corporations who reward their clients with perks for using their latest under tested, expensive drugs.  Group and individual counseling are not cost effective enough even though they help the most. The majority of clients would be far better served by learning how to cope with their problems and labeled illnesses then the system wants to admit.  
If you are cured, massive income is lost, so what is the incentive? It is better to say they can only control these mental diseases not cure them. A few years ago it was a major stigma to admit you were suffering from a mental illness, now you have commercials on TV wanting to treat you for depression, with the latest dugs. Depression is a normal part of life, it happens to most people at different times in their life. Granted there are many who suffer such extreme cases; that may benefit from these drugs but for the majority it is a stop gap measure until they can pull themselves out of it. Winston Churchill had extreme depression but was able to run the English government through World War II, his pouts were so extreme that at times his couldn’t even leave the bed for days. What kind of treatment did he receive?

I invite further discussion on these or related topics, these opinions are not necessarily my final word.

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